Friday, January 27, 2012

More on the adoption...

We've been asked a lot lately about how the process is going.  For us, it seems slow, as it's something we've been waiting so long for. It can't come soon enough.   Realistically, time is flying by.  We call it Life.

Tomorrow, January 28th, is our last adoption class.  Most of our paperwork is complete.  We've got just a little left, things like: pet immunizations and evacuation plans.  Really, who would have thought??  Our reflections we finished up a month ago.  Now those were some tough questions.  Questions about our childhood, our parents, rituals and routines we have, how we parent, etc.  All really good, thought provoking questions.  And I'm glad they're done.

After tomorrow, our home study begins.  That's when Michelle, from Ampersand, comes out and talks with all of us, to get more of a family dynamic on who would be best placed with us.  She'll also clear the house fit for more kids, which means we need to get crackin' on some of our projects.  For some reason, that plumber costing $96/hour is killing the momentum and the money tree!

At Christmas time, we found out through some of Rob's relatives, about a family of 6 kids.   Some of you have heard. Their ages range from 14  to  2.  Huge amounts of excitement flowing!  and then CRASH.  We got the bios on them and all 6 have pretty significant needs.  More than we can handle, I'm afraid.  It breaks our heart knowing that a family of 6 will very likely be split up.   As we'll tell you, we haven't removed them from our possibilities, but we think you'll agree with us, that small numbers might be a better idea.

Tonight Rob asked me if I was as excited about adoption now, as I was when we heard about these 6, or even before that.  He agreed with me that, for us, it was a little bit (okay, a lot) of a let down that the needs were so high for the 6.  I know, it sounds crazy...why on earth would we want to add 6 more kids.  Why not?

Time.  As much as we'd like to have kids by the summer, we understand that if we don't have a good match, we'll wait.  I have a feeling that Michelle (from Ampersand) knows us pretty well by now and that we'll find a perfectly awesome, chaotic, crazy, heart wrenching match for us.

So, here's to 8 AM tomorrow morning.  Pretty soon, we'll be able to teach the classes...


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