Wednesday, October 10, 2012


During the last month, Rob and I have both been asked if we regretted our decision to adopt.  Let's put it this way, when you get into a fight with your spouse, do you get a divorce?  Some days are just tough, but bailing isn't an option.

Some days are rocky.  Some days are down right ugly.
Some days I cry.  Some days they cry.  Some days we cry together.
Some days are good. Some days are great!
We've had bad grades, fights at schools, suspensions, all from different kids.  And it's only October.
We've had birthday parties and first sleep overs.  We've had soccer teams and first goals scored. 
We've had 10 visits to therapists x 4 kids.
Lots of tacos, spaghetti, pizza and chicken have been consumed.
Lots of bedroom doors coming off and going back on.  
Lots of losing phone privileges.
Much time has been spent doing homework (for some).
Much time has been spent playing with our darling neighbor kids. Thanks Chad and Kelly!
Much time has been spent on time out.
Chores are done on Saturdays.
Laundry and dishes are done by each kid on his/her day.
I love the last sentence!  My day is Saturday.
Every night a different child prays before dinner.
Every night we go around the dinner table and say something we're thankful for.
Dinner is over and we're having popcorn.  And it's quiet, calm, peaceful.
Last night sucked.  Tonight, I'm thankful for quiet calm and peaceful.
Tonight, I'm thankful for 6 kids who know how to do the right least right now.
One day at a time.
I'm thankful for what we have, the good and the not so good.
They're keepers.  Every one of them.
I don't regret our decision.  
It makes us stronger.

This was written a few days ago.
Guess what?  It's still calm, quiet and peaceful.
Definately keepers.