Well. Some days are definately better than others. It seems that Evan and Hannah are quite similar. She is more 'have to have the last word' and he's more I'm going to argue my point forever. Really, is there a difference?
Abby and Abbey do well together, but Abbey is tending to be a little immature and Abby isnt quite use to that, but puts up with it. Paul and Abby hang out, too much if you ask me. But, she is the only one that is close to his age and he doesn't have any friends here yet. We've enforced the you may not sit by each other, ever, anywhere policy. I know nothing will happen (I think), but I have to protect everyone's interest.
Abbey is a typical girl and loves most sports. Yeah! I've been waiting to go to more sports! Sawyer is the only other sports fanatic. Hannah is head strong and nothing is ever her fault (just like Evan). Paul is pretty quiet and plays on his phone or watches TV. Sometimes he'll interact with the boys or Abby, but rarely Abbey or Hannah. He doesn't like sports.
It was so interesting to me that none of them had a clue about baseball. Didn't know how to score a run, what a strike was, what the catcher does..and who on earth the ump was...Wow. So much they've missed out on. I'm sure this is true with all sports.
Trying to get the meds figured out. Hannah takes them 4 times a day and is sleeping within 1/2 an hour of taking pills. It is so scary to watch. No wonder she has trouble in school. The other 2 take meds, but it doesn't knock them out like it does Hannah.
It's been busy and quite a learning experience. Rob is patient as ever and tonight when I asked him if he ever stressed out, he responded no. Makes me feel bad, because I tend to stress out a little more than needed.
One day at a time.